Ex-Commish’s Tenure Celebrated by Kelly Gang

March 12, 2014


New York Post

by Keith J. Kelly

Former Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said his book proposal is a wee bit down the road before being ready to go out to publishers.


The man handling the auction, high-profile Washington, DC, attorney Robert Barnett, is still keeping tight-lipped about the pending book and said he had nothing to report at the moment.


Publishing sources, eager to get a first look, said bidding could easily reach seven figures.


Kelly, a co-founder of the Kelly Gang, and his wife, Veronica, were being feted as Persons of the Year at the Gang’s annual charity fundraiser on Tuesday at Michael’s Restaurant for the work Ray had done as top cop for the past 12 years and the work Veronica has done in raising money for the Bowery Mission, where she has been director of special projects for the past 12 years.


It marked the first time that the Gang had honored one of its co-founders with the official Coat of Arms plaque. Former Mayor Mike Bloomberg handed out the award to his former top cop. (Full disclosure: I’m a co-founder and secretary of the Gang).


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