Mary Pat Kelly’s Blog - We handed out copies of Mary Pat Kelly's Galway Bay

March 13, 2012



Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the friends I've made through Galway Bay!!


I'm hard at work on Kelly Green, the sequel, and I've found that while I'm writing I'm not able to blog as much as I'd like. (The main character Nora Kelly is based on my great-aunt who went to Paris as a buyer for Marshall Field's in 1913. She was close to her cousin Ed Kelly and his political rise to become Mayor of Chicago is at the heart of the novel but Nora won't let me get her out of Paris!! You'll see why!)


Still I couldn't let our day pass without thanking you. Because of you Galway Bay is in its third paperback printing and still in bookstores. I love getting your emails and want to reply. If I haven't please write again. Lots of excitement in the offing. News about a TV mini-series very soon. I'm planning a trip to Ireland in November 2012. Please let me know if you'd be interested in coming along.


I'll be at many Irish Festivals over the summer and will post the dates on my website. I was in Chicago over the week-end. I put green chrysanthemums on Honora's grave, joined our Kelly Clan for the 4th annual reunion at the wonderful Polo Cafe in Bridgeport hosted by honorary Kelly Dave Samber, attended a stirring Irish-themed Mass at St. Catejan's and joined by father's sister Marguerite Kelly McGuire,93, at the South Side Irish Parade. My eyes never stopped smiling.


Sunday night I was in old St. Patrick's Church in Chicago Sunday, one of my favorite places in the world, sitting in while a full orchestra, a 100 voice choir, and soloists Catherine O'Connell, Rod Dixon and Alfreda Burke rehearsed for their annual Siamsa na nGael at Symphony Hall. Lots of friend there! One, Mary Evers, had written the script which tells the story of the meeting of Daniel O'Connell and Frederick Douglass in Dublin. Brian Dennehy was to be their narrator. I was transported by the wonderful music and the transcendent art work--amazing stained glass windows of the Irish Saints, Celtic designs painted in vibrant colors--beautiful. And standing over it all right there above the main altar was St Pat, himself, holding a bouquet of shamrocks. Thanks, I told him, for my family, for my Tyrone- born husband, for my friends which include you and for my heritage. I'm so grateful to our ancestors who, against incredible odds, not only saved themselves but wove their stories and songs into America's fabric for all to enjoy! So a joyous day!


I'll be marching on the 17th with the Irish American Teachers and on March 14th attending Irish America Magazine's event with editor Patricia Harty, who explores the Irish experience with such grace and intelligence, then joining The Kelly Gang for our annual fundraiser at Michael's restaurant in New York. This year our charity is City Harvest. I'll be on New York One tonight March 13th at 7pm and 10pm talking about how we Irish Americans, who endured the Great Starvation that killed one million, are honored to help to feed the hungry. SLAINTE!!!!!!! Love, Mary Pat

See Mary Pat's blog


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